Below you'll find tons of suggestions for simple steps you can take around the house.

Turn off lights when leaving a room
Every little action will lead to big amounts of energy saved in the long run

Use a power strip to easily unplug electronics when not in use.
Many electronics continue using energy even when powered down and using a power strip can make sure no electricity is wasted when it is turned off

Make sure windows are closed when AC is on
Closing windows when AC is running increases the efficiency of your air conditioning machine and decreases your energy usage

Purchase energy saving (LED) light bulbs
Choosing the energy saving lightbulbs can surprisingly help save your households energy usage

Only wash full loads of laundry
This can help limit the amount of water and energy used when washing your laundry

Consider opening the blinds to light a room during the day
Using natural lighting can help save energy that would be used for artificial alternatives